
Memorial Boards

Eight-foot-tall boards adorned with chalk messages were among the first memorials erected directly after the tragedy. The boards testify to the outpouring of emotion and togetherness felt in the student community. These towering structures blanketed with an array of heartfelt expression stand as a collective voice of mourning, healing, and resilience. Each message, whether a tribute to the lives lost, words of comfort for the grieving, or pledges for a brighter future, represents a moment of connection and catharsis in the aftermath of unimaginable loss. 

Home Depot of Goleta donated all supplies and construction labor for the boards, and local businesses gave their services to preserve the boards so they could be kept for years to follow. Each board captures the raw emotion felt in Isla Vista. Remembering these boards honors the importance of personal expression and community support in Isla Vista, part of Isla Vista’s enduring strengths.

Painted Stones

In May 2014, one of the ways the community rallied together to express their grief, resilience, and solidarity after the tragic shootings was through a series of painted stones. The stones each bore poignant messages; some shared the victims’ names, and others expressed messages such as  “IV Strong” and peace symbols to foster a sense of unity for the future. These stones with their heartfelt words and vibrant imagery serve as enduring symbols of remembrance and hope. They reflect the collective strength and determination of a grieving community determined to stand together. As visitors to the exhibit engage with these artifacts, they are invited to reflect on the resilience of the human spirit and the power of community support in times of darkness.

Paper Hearts from Isla Vista Elementary

The collection of paper hearts from Isla Vista Elementary School holds profound significance within the archive commemorating the May 2014 Isla Vista killings. Each heart represents not only a physical artifact but also a heartfelt message of support and unity from the local community, particularly from those who may have been too young to fully grasp the magnitude of the events that unfolded. The act of creating and sharing these paper hearts reflects a collective desire to heal, to remember, and to honor the lives lost and affected by the shooting.